Egg Overload!

This year, the Spring Egg Hunt has started with the
Eggscavator going haywire because of one mouse that harvested the power of the
Golden egg to create a disruptor. Find your way into the
Chocolate Factory and hunt for
Marshmellow Monterey (if you have some from last year's event, use them immediately) and buy the
Eggscavator if you're a new player and currently don't have it yet. Collect all 10 eggs to re-calibrate the
Eggscavator. This process, if you are really enthusiastic will take about 3-4 days, which all of you have completed by now. For those who are still hunting for eggs, don't forget to equip the
Eggstra charm to get twice as many egg loots. Next is the
Eggscavator Charge charm.

This year, the
Devs. tweaked with the
Eggscavator a little and added a charge feature. Use the
Eggscavator Charge charm to charge the
Eggscavator, however I suggest that you wait until you have around 20 charge charms to start filling up the charge bar. This is simply because if you don't equip the charge charm and you successfully caught a mice, the charge meter will drop by one bar per hunt. 20 charge charms will take 40
Marshmellow Montereys, so get hunting!
After you finished collecting all the 10 primary eggs and collected all the charged eggs, you are free to roam the areas on the map to look for specific eggs to be added to your collection. Just click the 'Area Eggs' button next to your charge bar to see all the eggs. I also advise you to buy some Dark Chocolate Charms, because you never know when you will need one!

Remember! The event will cease on the 15th of April 2013! So get busy and collect eggs! Happy Hunting!
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