Mega Buy Mart, TGWH 2012!
The Festive Comet has arrived and yet, a huge factory is sitting right next to it! What's happening here? Well, if you are an active Mousehunter, you will have probably known about the news update about The Great Winter Hunt of 2012. This year, the winter hunt is a little tricky, because before you need to catch a mouse (Confused Currier Mouse) before you can gain entry to the Mega Buy Mart. The Confused Currier is available to be caught in any part of the kingdom, but I prefer to stick around Gnawnia.

After you have caught the
Confused Currier, you will receive a letter saying about a toy that
Al (Main character of this year's
TGWH) wanted for his childhood that he didn't get. Head over to the
Mega Buy Mart immediately and start hunting with
Festive Feta to get mouse that will drop loots for the toy parts. You can get another
Confused Currier again, but the loot will say a toy in a more specific way. For the trap setup, high attraction is preferred.

However, the tricky part in here is that the mouse which drops the specific loot you need for a toy changes within a few days, so you need to hurry up. You can also use
Winter Charms to attract the certain mouse you need and also the
Snowflake mouse which drops
Ice Coins which you can use to shop for fantastic items.

The end point for this is that, when you have finished rebuilding the toys and collected enough
Ice Coins, you can buy the
Wrapped Gift Trap (unique trap for this year's
TGWH!) to 'send gifts to
Al'. Buy the trap, because it's
LE and usually it has good stats.

In addition to completing the story line, you can also crown festive mice, buy skins, buy items that you need with
Ice Coins, and also you can exchange gifts with friends to add your collection! And remember to shop wisely, because this is a yearly event. Anyways, Happy Hunting and Good luck!
P.S: For the
Living Garden guide (if you are looking for it), please be patient as I am still studying the tricky area. Thank you for your patience.