Great Gnawnian Games 2012!

This is an entirely new event for Mousehunt. In celebration of the London Olympics 2012, the Devs decided to make this, I guess. Well, this is the final moments of the event, and I'm pretty sure you got the event all figured out. For those who still are asking, here's a quick recap of the whole event: Collect
Runny Cheese
(about 100 of them), and then head to the
Great Gnawnian Games area and start hunting some mice! 100 hunts is a long time though, it would take up to 1 day of hunting. Anyway, to get a
King's Medallion, you need to catch at least 80/100 mice, so equip your best trap for the job. Well, I suppose you're all in your 2nd run or hunting elsewhere, so enjoy the last few days of the Games, and don't forget to send your friends a
Miniature Torch for their collection! Also, collect some
Athlete Charms, these will give you +15
Luck in the Games, and +5
Luck elsewhere, it's worth to get! Happy Hunting!
Bonus Luck Weekend!

In other news, the
Bonus Luck Weekend event has started, so make good use of it. You can catch
Lucky mice too, but the
Meditation Room would be best because if you use common cheese, you would only attract the
Hapless, and if you're lucky enough, you might just get an
Ultimate Luck Charm from one of the
Lucky mouse! Happy Hunting!