Haunted Territories 2012!
You all might have noticed the recent update that was made just today. Yup! That's right, the Haunted Territories is back! This time, Mousevina Von Vermin is out of the throne and is replace by the Swamp Thang mouse. Rumor has it, that he and a few of his followers came from the Living Garden to outrun the kingdom. Ok, so let's get back to this event.
So, we can divide this into three parts:
- Collecting Cheese, Cobwebs, Halloween Candy, and Halloween Theme!

1.) This is actually the easiest part of the whole event.
Ghoulgonzola and
Candy Corn cheese, you can collect by equipping normal cheese (
Brie, Gouda, SB|+, etc.) to catch
Hollowhead mouse that drops the cheese, using
SB|+ attracts more, but I don't recommend it. If you want more stronger mice to come to your trap, you should equip the
Spooky Charm.

2.) For
Cobwebs, this is kinda rare, because the
Cobweb mouse, even though it's easy to catch, is kinda hard to attract, but aside from catching
Cobweb mouse, you can visit a friend's profile that hasn't been active for a long time and collect
Cobweb from there (only five friends for the whole event).

Halloween Candy is also, you can say, essential to this event, this is because a lot of item in the
Shoppe are bought using
Halloween Candy and some gold. You can collect up to ten
Halloween Candy from your friend's profile (don't need to be unused ones). I think you can also get some from mice in the
Haunted Territories, but I don't really know for sure. Before the event ends, be sure to trade the candies for something useful.
4.) Halloween Theme is a new thing, also with the other theme selection upgrade. This theme is not usable until you craft it. I'm guessing the first and second part is dropped by the Swamp Thang mouse, while the third part, you can buy it in the General Store in the Haunted Territories. To access and change your theme, go to your profile (click on your Shield on the upper left corner). You should see a Theme button, click it and choose your theme.
- Moving Up in the Haunted Territories!
The areas in the Haunted Territories can be divided into three areas, and I recommend your strongest setup, as because the mice that inhabit the Haunted Territories are mostly effective against all trap power types. Before we start, remember that in the Cornfield Maze, any trap type works all the same, just choose the strongest power (Monster mouse will be missed). For the last two areas (Haunted Manor and Pumpkin Patch), use the ACRONYM, but if you don't have it, just use the strongest trap you have, but you'll miss some Arcane and Shadow type mice (occasionally).
1.) Cornfield Maze, this is the first area that you need to finish, with only 10 mice to trick and treat, you should advance through this area swiftly!
2.) Haunted Manor, the second one is quite a long one, with 20 mice to trick and treat, maybe you need a longer time, but shouldn't be a problem.
3.) Pumpkin Patch, the last area, with 40 mice to trick and treat. The last ones that you need to catch are the Trick and Treat mouse. But, they shouldn't be a problem, because they can be caught using any power type. After you finished catching Trick and Treat, you can move on to catch the Swamp Thang mouse. After you catch it and get the loot, you will eventually be transported back to the start of the Cornfield Maze, and the cycle goes on.
- New Trap, Skins, and a Whole Lot More!

This time, the
Devs. really push themselves to come up with lots of new skins for hunter's traps, aside from the ones that already came out last year, they created 5 new skins (
Ice Maiden, Venus Mouse Trap, Steam Laser Mk. III, Bottomless Grave and the
Zurreal's Folly)
and a new trap (dropped by the
Swamp Thang mouse).
I think that covers most of the stuff in the 2012 Haunted Territories to get you all set and ready for hunting. Remember, don't forget to set your profile on which cheese you want to give out this year! Good luck and happy hunting!