So, this guide is equipped with also the trap setup, so I didn't post it when the event started. So, here's the strategy:
So, there is a special cheese to be used in this area, the Candy Corn Cheese and the Ghoulgonzola cheese. There are 2 ways of achieving this cheese:
- Catching Hollowheads and other mice, this is the 2nd way and mostly not recommended. Hollowheads are mostly attracted to SB|+, like said in the info. The mice will drop both cheese randomly.
Cornfield Maze, Outer Layer
When you first arrive in the Haunted Terrortories, you will see your current location in the area just under your statistics. First, you will arrive in the Cornfield Maze.You will need to Trick or Treat 9 mice in this area. To trick-or-treat, just equip your Ghoulgonzola or Candy Corn cheese, don't waste your cheese though. If you are starting from scratch, collect the cheese from your friend's profile, or if you don't really have that many friends, start hunting by using your best trap (most powerful, ERB+Cheesecake/Aqua [if you have]). Then after you collected enough cheese, use ACRONYM (with MSB or Aqua [if you have]) or your best trap (preferred shadow-arcane-forgotten, but physical or tactical is good for collecting cheese and trick-or-treating too). Then, after you finished trick-or-treating, you will move to the Haunted Manor.
Haunted Manor, more mice to deal with
After you finished the Cornfield Maze, you will move to the Haunted Manor. It is still in the same area, but different stage. In here, you will have to trick-or-treat 20 mice. The trap strategy is same like before, use your most powerful trap to collect and trick-or-treat with the mice. After you trick-or-treated 20 mice, you will move on to the Pumpkin Patch.
Pumpkin Patch, the Last Area