So, as you all know, the boss mouse of this year's Winter Hunt, the Mad Elf mouse has been released and a new trap, The Nutcracker Nuisance has been released too... By the way, The Nutcracker Nuisance trap is a really wonderful Arcane trap since the Arcane Blast Trap brought by Ronza early this year, you don't want to miss out on this one...
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
The Great Winter Hunt of 2011 Coming to an End
End of The Great Winter Hunt of 2011
So, as you all know, the boss mouse of this year's Winter Hunt, the Mad Elf mouse has been released and a new trap, The Nutcracker Nuisance has been released too... By the way, The Nutcracker Nuisance trap is a really wonderful Arcane trap since the Arcane Blast Trap brought by Ronza early this year, you don't want to miss out on this one...
This is the final stop for the Winter Hunt of 2011, as the year closes and goes to 2012... Be sure to prepare money for Ronza's Traveling Shoppe in January, the last time she left, the description said that she was looking for buckets of Chrome Paint... Be ready! Happy Hunting... Merry Chirstmas 2011...
So, as you all know, the boss mouse of this year's Winter Hunt, the Mad Elf mouse has been released and a new trap, The Nutcracker Nuisance has been released too... By the way, The Nutcracker Nuisance trap is a really wonderful Arcane trap since the Arcane Blast Trap brought by Ronza early this year, you don't want to miss out on this one...
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Fetas! - The Great Winter Hunt of 2011
The Great Winter Hunt of 2011
So, from 8th December 2011, The Festive Comet has landed in Gnawnia creating a massive snow pile and destroying Calamity Carl's Toy Shop (a quick intro if you haven't read the news post about the guy... The guy is a toy builder and has rented the Vacant Lot to build his toy factory, you can see his picture and the official page of TGWH 2011 here). This year's TGWH is a lot more complicated than last year's (last year, we only have to catch the 12 mice of winter), this time we have to build toys!

If you have read the instructions and didn't get it, I will explain it to you. So, this year's TGWH has a trap called the Nutcracker Nuisance Trap, we can exchange the blueprint for 500 Toy Receipts (These stuffs are Limited Edition [LE], be sure to collect them). To get these receipst, start building toys, here's how the game goes:
- When you first travel to the Festive Comet, you will be given 30 Festive Fetas by the game (this is a HUGE help!)
- Your choice, hunt in the Comet or directly go to Dracano (for ranks Knight and above), or Catacombs, these two areas are the only one that will give you special parts. But, for you who aren't Legendary this will be hard because your parts will be limited to only Wooden-Clockworks
- After you get the specific amount of materials to build a toy, go build it and collect the receipts until you have 500 receipts, then you can get the blueprint.
- Congratulations, you finished all the sequence to get the trap for this year's TGWH, feel free to enjoy the festivity!
The Guide to Collecting Toy Materials According to Levels:
- Recruit - Journeyman
Hunt around Gnawnia and your max. and best area is Calm Clearing and your toy parts are limited to Wooden only
- Master - Grandmaster
Hunt around Gnawnia and your max. and best area is Catacombs because this area has the materials until Clockwork level and the special Ghostly Cloth to build the highest level of Clockwork toy.
- Legendary - Hero
Hunt around Gnawnia and your max. and best area is Tribal Isles, the areas are filled with Metal items so that you can build Metal toys and get more receipts (For now you can only build the Tin-Larry)
- Knight - Duke
Hunt around Gnawnia and your max. and best areas ARE Dracano and Ballack's Cove (BC). Dracano specialist in Metal items and for the Draconic Toy and the Replica Deathbot (highest receipt) toy, while BC is good for collecting Metal items and the Ghostly Cloth for the Ghastly Jack in the Box. But, for the best catch rate, hunt in Dracano.
How to Acquire Festive Fetas and Trap Setups:
- Acquiring Festive Fetas:
For this stage, it is good to use something that has a balanced power, luck, but high attraction (for thos who has the Rewers Riposte use it, while for those who don't Swiss Army, Enraged RhinoBot, Horrific Mutated Venus Trap and Zugzwang's First Move is also recommended, use WBWT or Cheese Cake Base, that has high attraction level). Use BRIE for collecting the cheese, Gouda is not worth using. Attraction Charms are also recommended but not a have to.
- Using Festive Fetas and Capturing Event Mice:
For this stage, it is good to use a very high rate attraction base (except when you are using the Swiss Army Mouse Trap, you have to use like the Dehydration Base or something higher with less stale cheese effect). Stick with Rewers Riposte if you have one, use Cheesecake Base, and you don't have to use the Attraction Charm because the Festive Fetas already have high attraction rate. Good luck hunting!
So, from 8th December 2011, The Festive Comet has landed in Gnawnia creating a massive snow pile and destroying Calamity Carl's Toy Shop (a quick intro if you haven't read the news post about the guy... The guy is a toy builder and has rented the Vacant Lot to build his toy factory, you can see his picture and the official page of TGWH 2011 here). This year's TGWH is a lot more complicated than last year's (last year, we only have to catch the 12 mice of winter), this time we have to build toys!

- When you first travel to the Festive Comet, you will be given 30 Festive Fetas by the game (this is a HUGE help!)
- Your choice, hunt in the Comet or directly go to Dracano (for ranks Knight and above), or Catacombs, these two areas are the only one that will give you special parts. But, for you who aren't Legendary this will be hard because your parts will be limited to only Wooden-Clockworks
- After you get the specific amount of materials to build a toy, go build it and collect the receipts until you have 500 receipts, then you can get the blueprint.

The Guide to Collecting Toy Materials According to Levels:
- Recruit - Journeyman
Hunt around Gnawnia and your max. and best area is Calm Clearing and your toy parts are limited to Wooden only
- Master - Grandmaster
Hunt around Gnawnia and your max. and best area is Catacombs because this area has the materials until Clockwork level and the special Ghostly Cloth to build the highest level of Clockwork toy.
- Legendary - Hero
Hunt around Gnawnia and your max. and best area is Tribal Isles, the areas are filled with Metal items so that you can build Metal toys and get more receipts (For now you can only build the Tin-Larry)
- Knight - Duke
Hunt around Gnawnia and your max. and best areas ARE Dracano and Ballack's Cove (BC). Dracano specialist in Metal items and for the Draconic Toy and the Replica Deathbot (highest receipt) toy, while BC is good for collecting Metal items and the Ghostly Cloth for the Ghastly Jack in the Box. But, for the best catch rate, hunt in Dracano.

- Acquiring Festive Fetas:
For this stage, it is good to use something that has a balanced power, luck, but high attraction (for thos who has the Rewers Riposte use it, while for those who don't Swiss Army, Enraged RhinoBot, Horrific Mutated Venus Trap and Zugzwang's First Move is also recommended, use WBWT or Cheese Cake Base, that has high attraction level). Use BRIE for collecting the cheese, Gouda is not worth using. Attraction Charms are also recommended but not a have to.
- Using Festive Fetas and Capturing Event Mice:
For this stage, it is good to use a very high rate attraction base (except when you are using the Swiss Army Mouse Trap, you have to use like the Dehydration Base or something higher with less stale cheese effect). Stick with Rewers Riposte if you have one, use Cheesecake Base, and you don't have to use the Attraction Charm because the Festive Fetas already have high attraction rate. Good luck hunting!
Friday, November 4, 2011
End of Haunted Terrortories Event!
"The curse has been lifted and mysteriously, the Cornfield Maze, Haunted Mannor, and The Pumpkin Patch mysteriously disappeared from Gnawnia". Well, that's what the info said, but next year, there will be more! Another info says that the Shops will stay open until Tuesday, 8th November 2011, so if you have more Cobweb or Halloween Candies, be sure to trade it for valuable stuffs. And, it is said that the Spooky Charm has the ability to attract Spooky mice (like the Hollowhead, etc.) to your trap [not 100% and also, not always a Spooky Mouse]. Well, it's time to prepare for the Winter Hunt of 2011! A new trap (I guess) is about to be released! Happy hunting...
Monday, October 24, 2011
Haunted Terrortories
Haunted Terrortories, October!
So, this guide is equipped with also the trap setup, so I didn't post it when the event started. So, here's the strategy:
Candy Corn and Ghoulgonzola Cheese
So, there is a special cheese to be used in this area, the Candy Corn Cheese and the Ghoulgonzola cheese. There are 2 ways of achieving this cheese:
- Collect cheese from friend's profile, this is the easiest way, so you go to a friend's profile, then you click the Trick-or-Treat button to get the cheese. Don't forget to setup your own profile by clicking the shield then pick your cheese.
- Catching Hollowheads and other mice, this is the 2nd way and mostly not recommended. Hollowheads are mostly attracted to SB|+, like said in the info. The mice will drop both cheese randomly.
Cornfield Maze, Outer Layer
When you first arrive in the Haunted Terrortories, you will see your current location in the area just under your statistics. First, you will arrive in the Cornfield Maze.You will need to Trick or Treat 9 mice in this area. To trick-or-treat, just equip your Ghoulgonzola or Candy Corn cheese, don't waste your cheese though. If you are starting from scratch, collect the cheese from your friend's profile, or if you don't really have that many friends, start hunting by using your best trap (most powerful, ERB+Cheesecake/Aqua [if you have]). Then after you collected enough cheese, use ACRONYM (with MSB or Aqua [if you have]) or your best trap (preferred shadow-arcane-forgotten, but physical or tactical is good for collecting cheese and trick-or-treating too). Then, after you finished trick-or-treating, you will move to the Haunted Manor.
Haunted Manor, more mice to deal with
After you finished the Cornfield Maze, you will move to the Haunted Manor. It is still in the same area, but different stage. In here, you will have to trick-or-treat 20 mice. The trap strategy is same like before, use your most powerful trap to collect and trick-or-treat with the mice. After you trick-or-treated 20 mice, you will move on to the Pumpkin Patch.
Pumpkin Patch, the Last Area
This is the last stage of the Haunted Terrortories area. In this area, you will have to trick-or-treat 39 mice. Use the same trap setup as the other two stages, then trick-or-treat all the mice. This stage is different, after you trick-or-treat all the mice (39), you can catch both the Trick or Treat mice (Trick use Ghoulgonzola, Treat use Candy Cron). So in total, you will catch 40 mice each. After that, you will be available to catch Mousevina von Vermin. Use Ghoulgonzola or Candy Corn (use your largest amount). After catching Mousevina von Vermin, go to the Trapsmith and you can purchase the Soul Catcher that could be upgraded to a Soul Harvester. That's all of the event, happy hunting!
So, this guide is equipped with also the trap setup, so I didn't post it when the event started. So, here's the strategy:
So, there is a special cheese to be used in this area, the Candy Corn Cheese and the Ghoulgonzola cheese. There are 2 ways of achieving this cheese:
- Catching Hollowheads and other mice, this is the 2nd way and mostly not recommended. Hollowheads are mostly attracted to SB|+, like said in the info. The mice will drop both cheese randomly.
Cornfield Maze, Outer Layer
When you first arrive in the Haunted Terrortories, you will see your current location in the area just under your statistics. First, you will arrive in the Cornfield Maze.You will need to Trick or Treat 9 mice in this area. To trick-or-treat, just equip your Ghoulgonzola or Candy Corn cheese, don't waste your cheese though. If you are starting from scratch, collect the cheese from your friend's profile, or if you don't really have that many friends, start hunting by using your best trap (most powerful, ERB+Cheesecake/Aqua [if you have]). Then after you collected enough cheese, use ACRONYM (with MSB or Aqua [if you have]) or your best trap (preferred shadow-arcane-forgotten, but physical or tactical is good for collecting cheese and trick-or-treating too). Then, after you finished trick-or-treating, you will move to the Haunted Manor.
Haunted Manor, more mice to deal with
After you finished the Cornfield Maze, you will move to the Haunted Manor. It is still in the same area, but different stage. In here, you will have to trick-or-treat 20 mice. The trap strategy is same like before, use your most powerful trap to collect and trick-or-treat with the mice. After you trick-or-treated 20 mice, you will move on to the Pumpkin Patch.
Pumpkin Patch, the Last Area
Monday, October 17, 2011
Guide Edit
Hi, hunters... I have updated the blog so it would be easier to view guides from the regions tabs on the right side... Happy hunting...
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Haunted Territories Countdown
From a lot of resources... There has been a countdown to the Haunted Territories countdown, where you MUST have a shadow trap to catch the mice in the Haunted Territories... So, prepare a lot of money to buy the Gorgon or the COT (Clockapult of Winter Past)... Happy Hunting...
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
The Mousehunt Timer
The Convenient Mousehunt Community Made Timer
Now, you can hunt in the Ballack's Cove, Forbidden Grove, Zugzwang's Garden and others without being confused over times when it's gonna flood, change seasons, etc. Here's the link, it's very useful... Happy Hunting...
Now, you can hunt in the Ballack's Cove, Forbidden Grove, Zugzwang's Garden and others without being confused over times when it's gonna flood, change seasons, etc. Here's the link, it's very useful... Happy Hunting...
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
October Event Preparation
Hi, hunters... Be sure to be prepared for the latest October event, because there usually will be a shadow trap released and it will cost expensive for Limited Edition Traps... So, be sure to save some money from now... Happy Hunting...
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
General Info
So, here's the thing... This blog is a blog that will help you and guide you (mostly) on deciding traps, hunting locations, etc. But, this is only a reference, if you find the guide not useful for the area, you are free to decide your own selections... Remember, this guide will automatically decrease the fun of the hunt because it tells the whole story of the regions... Happy Hunting... And, please vote... [Don't be scared to comment or just correct me if I'm wrong]
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